Click on the appropriate team to view your payment schedule.

Use SQUARE Checkout to make your payment. Please be sure to fill in the player’s name in the box titled “note to the seller”

MVA 18 National

Total Cost :: $3,500

Deposit :: $1,000 :: Due at team acceptance

Installment #1 :: $500 / Jan. 10

Installment #2 :: $500 / Feb. 10

Installment #3 :: $500 / Mar. 10

Installment #4 :: $500 / Apr. 10

Installment #5 :: $500 / May 10

MVA 16 National

Total Cost :: $3,500

Deposit :: $1,000 :: Due at team acceptance

Installment #1 :: $500 / Jan. 10

Installment #2 :: $500 / Feb. 10

Installment #3 :: $500 / Mar. 10

Installment #4 :: $500 / Apr. 10

Installment #5 :: $500 / May 10

MVA 16 Elite

Total Cost :: $2,500

Deposit :: $1000 :: Due at team acceptence

Installment #1 :: $500 / Jan. 10

Installment #2 :: $500 / Feb. 10

Installment #3 :: $500 / Mar. 10

MVA 14 Elite

Total Cost :: $2,500

Deposit :: $1,000 :: Due at team acceptance

Installment #1 :: $500 / Jan. 10

Installment #2 :: $500 / Feb. 10

Installment #3 :: $500 / Mar. 10

MVA 13 Elite

Total Cost :: $2,200

Deposit :: $700 :: Due at team acceptance

Installment ::

Installment #1 :: $500 / Jan. 10

Installment #2 :: $500 / Feb. 10

Installment #3 :: 500 / Mar. 10